

We find the talent you need where you need it

At Prodensa we find the talent you need to take your company to the next level

We find the talent you need where you need it


The project

With 23 impressive years of experience in Mexico, this international company provides spare parts and accessories for cars. Recently, they have taken the ambitious step to hire 1,600 people across 89 locations within a month – an invaluable contribution towards job creation!

Our mission

We conducted a detailed analysis of each area to identify the most effective approaches for maximizing impact. We collaborated with our client in customizing an employee value proposition that fit with local demographics, culture, and markets – especially those areas where demand was particularly high. The complexity of some locations challenged us to create tailored recomendations that best served their needs

  • Bonus application.
  • Incentives (groceries,gift cards)
  • Transportation

Our team worked diligently to ensure that our project met the client’s expectations, and it paid off! Through implementing strategic recommendations within the specified timeline, we were able to achieve an incredible 99% compliance rate.


  1. Today, I’d like to tell you about the popular mistakes a PM can make (and we know because we’ve made them all) so that you can avoid them in your daily work.

    • There are times when we assume that since something was said once, everybody remembers it, and we don’t really need to communicate it again, which most likely is a mistake. In a PM’s work,

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